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The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2

By Ross P - Posted on 14 July 2017

Law 7
Control of Boards and Cards
It is a law of the game that every player counts their cards face down to ensure they have the correct number, and you must look at the faces of the cards before you bid! No player may ever touch another player's cards (apart from Declarer who may touch Dummy's cards) at any point unless the Director has given permission to do so.
At the end of play of each board, players must shuffle their cards, put them back in their slot and not touch them again unless a member of each side or the Director is present.

Law 8
Sequence of Rounds
This law is about movements of people and boards. The most important thing to note is:

North is responsible for moving the boards just completed at his / her table to the proper table for the next round - this is something we are not very good at!

Law 9
Procedure Following an Irregularity
This law is very clear about who can do what and when, and what must not be done. Again I don't think we are too good at complying sometimes! It is hard to summarise this one so this is pretty much as it appears in the book:

Any player may draw attention to an irregularity at any time during the auction period.

Declarer or either defender may draw attention to an irregularity that occurs during the play period. Dummy may not, until the play of the hand is concluded. The only exception to this is that Dummy may inform any player if he/she has 'pointed' a played card the wrong way as long as they do so before a card is led to the next trick.
However any player, including Dummy, may attempt to prevent an irregularity but Dummy needs to be careful here because two further Laws apply to them (Laws 42 and 43 which we will cover later).
There is no obligation on any player to draw attention to an infraction of law committed by one's own side except in the case of a partners mistaken explanation of an action / bid (Law 20F5 applies which we will cover later).

After attention is drawn to an irregularity the Director must be summoned and this can be done by any player including Dummy.

No player must take any action until the Director has explained all matters in regard to rectification (WORTH REMEMBERING). If any player tries to correct an irregularity, without the Director's advice), and gets it wrong, they could be penalised.

NOTE: We seldom get this deeply into the rules at club level but any player who wants to improve their ranking and play in tournaments needs to be aware of these things - Juniors can get away with more than Intermediates, who can get away with more than Open players - the higher ranking you are, the more you will be expected know about, and abide by, the rules!

That will do for now, more soon.
