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Three tables took part in the Mini Moos end of season finale. Jane's email box was cluttered with apologies of Moos wanting to attend but other engagements getting in the way. Never mind - more strawberries and Pimms for those who did come!
The sun shone and we had a beautiful afternoon in the garden. An individual movement meant that everyone had a new partner after each round.
Emerging victorious was Cambridge's Hilary Wilson-Hill.
Runner up, also from Cambridge, Janne Fraser.
There was a tie for third shared between Hamilton's Megan Jolly and Lynette Flowers.
Place Pair Club IMPS
1. Hilary Wilson-Hill Cambridge 96
2. Janne Fraser Cambridge 84
3. Megan Jolly Hamilton 76
3. Lynnette Flowers Hamilton 76
5. Lynne Boyack Huntly 72
6. Richard Hendriks Huntly 67
7. Kim Graham Huntly 65
8. Lorna Hendriks Huntly 55
9. Hone Thomson Huntly 53
10 Jan Neilson Morrinsville46
10 Janice Jeffs Hamilton 46
12 Mary Mackwell Hamilton 34
Winner of the Best Hat competition was Janice Jeffs
Mini Moos in Action