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Bridge is a truly fascinating game that you will enjoy for the rest of your life. It is FUN and it is EXCITING.

Lessons are held at both clubs during the year. Contact them for details of when the next lesson series is to begin.

The Cribsheet for the beginners lessons is attached below.

DO NOT THINK OF BRIDGE AS A GAME OLD PEOPLE PLAY!!! It is a game for all ages and plenty of younger people LOVE bridge.

Why Play Bridge?

Are you thinking of taking up the greatest and most popular card game in the world?

If you have never played bridge before, or you are keen to start again, do come along to our annual club lessons.

Most club members play bridge purely for social reasons. It’s great for your social life – you meet so many interesting people and you are sure to find some new friends at the club. For those keen to progress their game it can be a competitive and thrilling experience. Bridge is a lifelong challenge.

If you’ve never played before, how do you know whether you will like bridge?
Here are some clues:

  • Do you enjoy other card games? Most bridge players have started out on other card games. If you have played 500 or Euchre, you will already know some of the basics of bridge.
  • Do you enjoy mental stimulation that makes your adrenalin pump and brings you to orgasmic heights? That's the secret bridge players enjoy that they don't mention to you!
  • Do you enjoy chess, scrabble, crosswords, sudoku and similar puzzles? Many bridge players do too.
  • Do you want a challenge? Even learning the basics of bridge takes some effort – and after that the learning never stops.
  • Would you like a winter sport? Bridge is a great sport for the mind.

If you are still not sure bridge is for you, come along anyway. Or if you know anyone who plays bridge, ask them about the game (bridge players love an excuse to talk about this great game !)

Here are some quotes from famous people

"Bridge is the most entertaining and intelligent card game the wit of man has so far devised” - W. Somerset Maugham

“Many games provide fun, but bridge grips you. It exercises your mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but bridge prevents the rust from forming” - Omar Sharif

"Playing bridge reflects intelligence. It’s one of the really great pleasures of life. Anybody who’s missing bridge is missing so much in life"" - Malcolm Forbes

"Proficiency in Whist [a forerunner of bridge] implies capacity for success in all these more important undertakings where mind struggles with mind." - Edgar Allan Poe

"No matter where I go, I can always make new friends at the bridge table." - Martina Navratilova

"Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." - Mae West

A word of caution ~ if you try the game you are very likely to get hooked!

Cribsheet.pdf143.78 KB
Nesting Pairs Contents.pdf73.31 KB