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The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 5
Law 14
Missing Card
When 1 or more hands are found to contain fewer than 13 cards, and no hand has more than 13, before the opening lead is faced, the Director should search for it and:
1. if the card is found, it is restored to the deficient hand
2. If not found, the Director re-constructs the deal by substituting a new pack.
The auction and play continue normally.
When 1 or more hands are found to contain fewer than 13 cards, and no hand has more than 13,at any time after the opening lead is faced, the Director should search for it and:
1. If it is found among the played cards, Law 67 (Defective Trick) applies. This Law will be covered later.
2. If the card is found elsewhere, it is restored to the deficient hand. Rectification and/or penalties may apply - see note 4 below.
3. If the card cannot be found, the deal is reconstructed using another pack. Rectification and/or penalties may apply - see note 4 below.
4. A card restored to a hand as described above is deemed to have belonged continuously to the deficient hand - it may become a penalty card (Law 50) and failure to have played it may constitute a revoke.
Knowledge of the replacement of a card is unauthorised for the partner of a player whose hand contained an incorrect number of cards.
Law 15
Play of a Wrong Board
If players play a board not designated for them to play in the current round:
1. The Director normally allows the score to stand, if none of the four players have previously played the board.
2. The Director may require both pairs to play the correct board against one another later.
If one or more players have previously played the board, his/her second score on the board is cancelled for both his side and his opponents and the Director shall award an artificial adjusted score to the contestants deprived of the opportunity to earn a valid score.
If during the auction period the Director discovers that a contestant is playing a board not designated for him / her to play in the current round, he shall cancel the auction, ensure that the correct contestants are seated and that they are informed of their rights both now and at future rounds.
A second auction begins. Players must repeat the calls they made previously. If any call differs in any way from the corresponding call in the first auction, the Director shall cancel the board. Otherwise the auction and play continue normally. The Director may award a procedural penalty and an adjusted score if of the opinion that there has been a purposeful attempt by either side to preclude normal play of the board.