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Laws of Duplicate Bridge 8

By Ross P - Posted on 13 August 2017

Law 27
Insufficient Bid
A. Acceptance of Insufficient Bid
1. Any insufficient bid may be accepted (treated as legal) at the option of offender’s LHO. It is accepted if that player calls.
2. If a player makes an insufficient bid out of rotation Law 31 applies
B. If an insufficient bid in rotation is not accepted, it must be corrected by the substitution of a legal call (but see 3 following).
1. a). If the insufficient bid is corrected by the lowest sufficient bid which specifies the same denomination as that specified by the withdrawn call, the auction proceeds without further rectification. Laws 26B and 16C do not apply but see D following.
b). Except as in a), if the insufficient bid is corrected with a comparable call (see Law 23A) the auction proceeds without further rectification. Law 16C does not apply but see D following.
2. except as provided in B1 above, if the insufficient bid is corrected by a sufficient bid or by a pass, the offender’s partner must pass whenever it is his/her turn to call. The lead restrictions in Law 26B may apply, and see Law 72C.
3. Except as provided in B1b) above, if the offender attempts to substitute a double or a redouble for his/her insufficient bid the attempted call is cancelled. The offender must replace it as the foregoing allows and his/her partner must then pass whenever it is his/her turn to call. The lead restrictions in Law 26B may apply, and see Law 72C.
4. If the offender attempts to replace the one insufficient bid with another insufficient bid the Director rules as in 3 if the LHO does not accept the substituted insufficient bid as A1 allows.
C. Premature Replacement
If the offender replaces his/her insufficient bid before the Director has ruled on rectification the substitution, if legal, stands unless the insufficient bid is accepted as A1 allows (but see B3 above). The Director applies the relevant foregoing section to the substitution.
D. Non Offending Side Damaged
If following the application of B1 the Director judges at the end of the play that without assistance gained through the infraction the outcome of the board could well have been different, and in consequence the non-offending side is damaged (see Law 12B1), he/she shall award an adjusted score. In his/her adjustment he/she should seek to recover as nearly as possible the probable outcome of the board had the insufficient bid not occurred.
Law 28
Calls Considered to be in Rotation
A. RHO Required to Pass
A call is considered to be in rotation when it is made by a player at his/her RHO’s turn to call if that opponent is required by law to pass.
B. Call by Correct Player Cancelling Call Out of Rotation
A call is considered to be in rotation when made by a player whose turn it was to call before rectification has been assessed for a call out of rotation by an opponent. Making such a call forfeits the right to rectification for the call out of rotation. The auction proceeds as though the opponent had not called at that turn. Law 26 does not apply, but see Law 16C2.
Law 29
Procedure After a Call Out of Rotation
A. Forfeiture of Right to Rectification
Following a call out of rotation offender’s LHO may elect to call thereby forfeiting the right to any rectification.
B. Out-of-Rotation Call Cancelled
Unless A applies, a call out of rotation is cancelled and the auction reverts to the player whose turn it was to call. The offending side is subject to the provisions of Laws 30, 31 or 32.
C. Call Out of Rotation is Artificial
If a call out of rotation is artificial, the provisions of Laws 30, 31 and 32 apply to the denomination(s) specified, rather than the denomination named.
Law 30
Pass Out of Rotation
When a player has passed out of rotation and the call is cancelled, the option in Law 29A not having been exercised, the following provisions apply (if the pass is artificial see C):
A. RHO’s Turn to Call
When a pass out of rotation is made at offender’s RHO’s turn to call, the offender must pass when next it is his/her turn to call and Law 72C may apply.
B. Partner’s or LHO’s Turn to Call
1. When the offender has passed at his/her partner’s turn to call, or at his/her LHO’s turn to call if the offender has not previously called, then:
a). Offender’s partner may make any legal call at his/her proper turn, but Law 16C2 applies.
b). Offender may make any legal call at his/her correct turn and:
I. When the call is a comparable call (see Law 23A), there is no further rectification. Law 26B does not apply, but see Law 23C.
II. When the call is not a comparable call (see Law 23A), offender’s partner must pass when next it is his/her turn to call. Laws 16C, 26B and 72C may apply.
2. If the offender has previously called, a pass out of rotation at offender’s LHO’s turn to call is treated as a change of call. Law 25 applies.
C. When Pass is Artificial
When a pass out of rotation is artificial or is a pass of an artificial call, Law 31, not Law 30, applies.
Law 31
Bid Out of Rotation
When a player has bid out of rotation, has passed artificially or has passed partner’s artificial call (see Law 30C) and the call is cancelled, the option in Law 29A not having been exercised, the following provisions apply:
A. RHO’s Turn to Call
When the offender has called at his/her RHO’s turn to call then:
1. If that opponent passes, offender must repeat the call out of rotation, and when that call is legal there is no rectification.
2. If that opponent makes a legal bid, double or re-double, offender may make any legal call:
a). When the call is a comparable call (see Law 23A), there is no further rectification. Law 26B does not apply, but see Law 23C.
b). When the call is not a comparable call (see Law 23A), offender’s partner must pass when next it is his/her turn to call. Laws 16C, 26B and 72C may apply.
B. Partner’s or LHO’s Turn to Call
When the offender has bid at his/her partners turn to call, or at his/her LHO’s turn to call if the offender has not previously called, then:
1. Offender’s partner may make any legal call at his/her correct turn but Law 16C2 applies.
2. Offender may make any legal call at his/her correct turn and the Director rules as in A2a) or A2b) above.
Law 32
Double or Redouble Out of Rotation
A double or redouble out of rotation may be accepted at the option of the opponent next in rotation (see Law 29A), except that an inadmissable double or redouble (see Law 36) may never be accepted. If the call out of rotation is not accepted it is cancelled and:
A. RHO’s Turn to Call
If a double or redouble out of rotation has been made at offender’s RHO’s turn to call, then:
1. If offender’s RHO passes, offender must repeat his/her double or redouble and there is no rectification unless the double or redouble is inadmissable, in which case Law 36 applies.
2. If offender’s RHO bids, doubles or redoubles, the offender may in turn make any legal call:
a). When the call is a comparable call (see Law 23A), there is no further rectification. Law 26B does not apply, but see Law 23C.
b). When the call is not a comparable call (see Law 23A), offender’s partner must pass when next it is his/her turn to call. Laws 16C, 26B and 72C may apply.
B. Offender’s Partner’s Turn to Call
If a double or redouble out of rotation has been made when it was the offender’s partner’s turn to call, then:
1. Offender’s partner may make any legal call, but Law 16C2 applies.
2. Offender may make any legal call at his/her proper turn and the Director rules as in A2a) or A2b) above.
C. Later Calls at LHO’s Turn to Call
Later calls at LHO’s turn to call are treated as changes of call and Law 25 applies.