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Happy New Year
During the break between the end of the 2017 programme and the start of 2018 some of us have been playing ‘fun bridge’ on a Monday evening – taking the opportunity to spend more time talking about hands and how we bid and played them. We tried to focus on the Acol bidding system.
I think everyone who has come along has got something out of it regardless of their level of experience and we are thinking of continuing it in some form throughout the year. Watch this space.
Although we are not there yet, tournament season is coming up fast so watch out for the posters on display at the club. Alternatively, log in to the Waikato Bays Bridge Club site where you will find all the info.
For our newer players in particular tournaments are the real challenge in Bridge and the opportunity to test yourself against your peers. They are also the best and fastest way to earn Masterpoints. There are tournaments for Novices, Juniors, Intermediates and Open players so no excuses! All of our newest recruits could cope with a Junior tournament, particularly if they choose a more experienced junior as their partner to help them out.
Last but by no means least, it would be great to get Thursday bridge going again – some of our players prefer to play during the day and would really appreciate sufficient willing numbers to make up at least a couple of tables – have a think about it. I would play but I still have to work for a living!