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Laws of Duplicate Bridge 15
Law 74
Conduct and Etiquette
A. Proper Attitude
1. A player should maintain a courteous attitude at all times.
2. A player should carefully avoid any remark or extraneous action that might cause annoyance or embarrassment to another player or might interfere with the enjoyment of the game.
3. Every player should follow uniform and correct procedure in calling and playing.
B. Etiquette
As a matter of courtesy a player should refrain from:
1. Paying insufficient attention to the game.
2. Making gratuitous comments during the auction and play.
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 14
Law 64
Procedure After Establishment of a Revoke
A. Automatic Trick Adjustment
When a revoke is established:
1. And the trick on which the revoke occurred was won by the offending player, at the end of play the trick on which the revoke occurred is transferred to the non-offending side together with one of any subsequent tricks won by the offending side.
2. And the trick on which the revoke occurred was not won by the offending player then, if the offending side won that or any other subsequent trick , after play ends one trick is transferred to the non-offending side.
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 13
Law 58
Simultaneous Leads or Plays
A. Simultaneous Plays by Two Players
A lead or play made simultaneously with another player’s legal lead or play is deemed to be subsequent to it.
B. Simultaneous Cards from One Hand
If a player leads or plays two or more cards simultaneously:
1. If the face of only one card is visible, that card is played; all other cards are picked up and there is no further rectification (see Law 47F).
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 12
Law 52
Failure to Lead or Play a Penalty Card
A. Defender Fails to Play a Penalty Card
When a defender fails to lead or play a penalty card as required by Law 50 or Law 51, he/she may not, on their own initiative, withdraw any other card they have played.
B. Defender Plays Another Card
1. a). If a defender has led or played another card when required by law to play a penalty card, declarer may accept such lead or play.
b). Declarer must accept such lead or play if he/she has thereafter played from either their hand or dummy.
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 11
Law 46
Incomplete or Invalid Designation of a Card From Dummy
A. Proper Form for Designating Dummy’s Card
When Calling for a card to be played from dummy declarer should clearly state both the suit and the rank of the desired card.
B. Incomplete or Invalid Designation
In the case of an incomplete or invalid designation, the following restrictions apply (except when declarer’s different intention is incontrovertible):
1. a) If declarer in playing from dummy calls ‘high’, or words of like meaning , he/she is deemed to a have called the highest card of the suit led.
Recent Events
Last night the Putaruru Night Owls played another round of the TWITTS. It was a bit like the last Bledisloe Cup match with us as Australia - the first half was a disaster but we won the second half. Unfortunately, like Australia, we did not do enough in the second half to recover and we lost overall.
Last week Ross and Susan played at Matamata in a fund raising night for the local volunteer fire service which raised $600. It was a fun night also attended by two of our friends from Tokoroa (Warren and Dexter)and, as usual at Matamata, the supper was superb.
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 10
Law 41
Commencement of Play
A. Face Down Opening lead
After a bid, double or redouble has been followed by three passes in rotation, the defender on presumed declarer’s left makes the opening lead face down. The face-down lead may be withdrawn only upon instruction of the Director after an irregularity (see Laws 47E and 54); the withdrawn card must be returned to the defender’s hand.
B. Review of Auction and Questions
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 9
Law 33
Simultaneous Calls
A call made simultaneously with one made by the player whose turn it was to call is deemed to be a subsequent call.
Law 34
Retention of Right to Call
When following a call there have been three consecutive passes, one or more being out of rotation, Law 17D3 applies.
Law 35
Inadmissable Calls
The following calls are inadmissable:
A. A double or redouble not permitted by Law19. Law 36 applies.
B. A bid, double or redouble by a player requires to pass. Law 37 applies.
C. A bid of more than 7. Law 38 applies.
Laws of Duplicate Bridge 8
Law 27
Insufficient Bid
A. Acceptance of Insufficient Bid
1. Any insufficient bid may be accepted (treated as legal) at the option of offender’s LHO. It is accepted if that player calls.
2. If a player makes an insufficient bid out of rotation Law 31 applies
B. If an insufficient bid in rotation is not accepted, it must be corrected by the substitution of a legal call (but see 3 following).
The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 7
Law 21
A. Call or Play Based on Players Own Misunderstanding
No rectification or redress is due to a player who acts on the basis of his/her own understanding.
B. Call Based on Misinformation From and Opponent