The Putaruru Bridge Club Dealing Machine!

The Putaruru Bridge CThe Putaruru Bridge Club Dealing Machine! Over the break period we have been successful in obtaining funding for a card dealing machine.The funding has been supplied by First Sovereign Trust Limited who we cannot thank enough. It would have been impossible for the Club to buy such a machine ourselves and we would have had to continue to rely on the goodwill of the Tokoroa Club who have been providing the service up until now. Our thanks and admiration go to Eileen who, together with FSTL made this happen, with assistance from Maria.

Happy New Year

During the break between the end of the 2017 programme and the start of 2018 some of us have been playing ‘fun bridge’ on a Monday evening – taking the opportunity to spend more time talking about hands and how we bid and played them. We tried to focus on the Acol bidding system.
I think everyone who has come along has got something out of it regardless of their level of experience and we are thinking of continuing it in some form throughout the year. Watch this space.

Putaruru Club - 2017 AGM and Prize Giving

Well done to all the prize winners and a huge thank you to Eileen who is stepping down as President after several years of fantastic service.

Eileen and AnneEileen and Anne

Eileen and MauriceEileen and Maurice

Eileen and BrendaEileen and Brenda

Eileen and FayeEileen and Faye

Nesting Pairs Programme 2018

Hi All
Last year some of us attended some Bridge training with Jane Stearns, called the Nesting Pairs programme. Jane is running the programme again in 2018 in a slightly different format – see below:-

Laws of Duplicate Bridge Final

Law 92
Right to Appeal
A. Contestants Right
A contestant or his/her Captain may appeal for a review of any ruling made at his/her table by the Director. Any such request, if deemed to lack merit, may be the subject of a sanction imposed by regulation.
B. Time of Appeal
The right to request or appeal a Director’s ruling expires 30 minutes after the official score has been made available for inspection unless the Tournament Organiser has specified a different time period.
C. How to Appeal
All requests for a review of a ruling shall be made through the Director.

Laws of Duplicate Bridge 17

Law 86
Team Play
A. Substitute Board
The Director shall not exercise his/her Law 6 authority to order one board re-dealt when the final result of a match without that board could be known to a contestant. Instead he/she awards an adjusted score.
B. Result Obtained at Other Table
1. Single Result Obtained
In team play when the Director awards an adjusted score and the result at the other table between the same contestants is clearly favourable to one side, the Director shall award an assigned adjusted score [see Law 12C1(c), but for multiple adjusted scores see B2 following].

Laws of Duplicate Bridge 16

Law 80
Regulation and Organisation
Law 80 describes the responsibilities of Regulating Authorities and Tournament Organisers and does not relate directly to any part of the playing process other than the gathering and publishing of results.
Law 81
The Director
A. Official Status
The Director is the official representative of the tournament organiser.
B. Restrictions and Responsibilities
1. The Director is responsible fo rthe on-site technical management of the tournament. He/she has powers to remedy any omissions of the tournament organiser.

Laws of Duplicate Bridge 15

Law 74
Conduct and Etiquette
A. Proper Attitude
1. A player should maintain a courteous attitude at all times.
2. A player should carefully avoid any remark or extraneous action that might cause annoyance or embarrassment to another player or might interfere with the enjoyment of the game.
3. Every player should follow uniform and correct procedure in calling and playing.
B. Etiquette
As a matter of courtesy a player should refrain from:
1. Paying insufficient attention to the game.
2. Making gratuitous comments during the auction and play.

Laws of Duplicate Bridge 14

Law 64
Procedure After Establishment of a Revoke
A. Automatic Trick Adjustment
When a revoke is established:
1. And the trick on which the revoke occurred was won by the offending player, at the end of play the trick on which the revoke occurred is transferred to the non-offending side together with one of any subsequent tricks won by the offending side.
2. And the trick on which the revoke occurred was not won by the offending player then, if the offending side won that or any other subsequent trick , after play ends one trick is transferred to the non-offending side.


Ross and SusanRoss and Susan
Congratulations to Ross and Susan Provan, winning the Hamilton Junior tournament and finishing 4% clear of the field.
Eileen and AnneEileen and Anne
On form at Hamilton's Intermediate tournament were Eileen Barker and Anne Berben securing third place.