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This week on the Bridge Zone

Here is the link to today’s Bridge Zone Radio show. Click here or paste this link to your browser to listen to the latest episode of The Bridge Zone. This week on Bridge Zone we chatted our way through Directors, Squeezes, Points systems, weak and strong no trumps sacrificing and being a little forgiving/caring to new players.How the Bridge Zone team showed its abilities in Huntly. Our highlights included a poem to Yuzhong and a special present to Blair. We invite comments queries etc through

More Bridge News on the Zone

Lots of variety this week on the Bridge Zone!

Paste this link to your browser to listen to the latest episode of The Bridge Zone.

This week's show includes:

The last clip from Zia Mahmood’s interview.

Postcard from Scotland catch up – Samantha Punch returns to The Bridge Zone in a fortnight

What the heck is HOOL…
Check out Amaresh Deshpande and his creation – a great way to introduce Bridge to the one and all

This week's episode of the Bridge Zone

This week's show includes:

The Bridge Legend, Zia Mahmood continues his chat with Mereana and Barry.

Talking about carding systems, suit preference and his partnership with another great - Michael Rosenberg.
His thoughts on how he prefers to win Bridge and etiquette at the table - some may find this debatable.

Youth Bridge and professionals and amateurs in the game.

Happy listening!

The Bridge Zone- Zia Mahmood

Zia MahmoodZia MahmoodThis week's episode of the Bridge Zone features an interview with Zia Mahmood, a professional Pakistani Bridge player. It talks about his life and how he started to play Bridge. Zia was born in 1946 in Karachi and was educated in England. To listen to this interview click on this link.

The latest episode of the Bridge Zone

This week's show includes:
Puppet Stayman rears its head again, we talk Overcalls, Christmas Parties and about Taupo and Thames Bridge Clubs. Plus results of the NZ Team Trials at Orewa over the weekend and Double Dummy with John McAlister.

One Foundation

One Foundation: has been kind enough to grant Putaruru Bridge Club enough money to replace all of our chairs. Once again our chairs will have padding in them!    Thank you One FoundationOne Foundation: has been kind enough to grant Putaruru Bridge Club enough money to replace all of our chairs. Once again our chairs will have padding in them! Thank you One Foundation

Have you listened to the Bridge Zone yet?

This week's episode of The Bridge Zone includes:

- Why join a bridge club?
- Etiquette at the table around beginners
- A look at transfers and super accepts

Click on the link below to enjoy the show.

Sacrificing, Smollen and Two Congresses

Enjoy this week's episode of The Bridge Zone. When to make a sacrifice, the Smollen convention and a round-up from the two Labour Day Congresses.
Click on the link below to listen to the show.​

The Bridge Zone this week

This week's episode brings you all the latest information from the National Congress as the roving Bridge Zone Crew track down the winners of different events and we hear more about the Dob Gifford legacy for rubber bridge. Click on the link.

The Bridge Zone at the National Congress

This week's episode of the Bridge Zone comes live from National Congress 2018 at Hamiltyon. Tune in to hear all the action as it unfolds. Click on the link below to listen to the show.